Plum Tart with Creamy Filling- Cook with Us

This is a perfect recipe for tart and plum lovers. Lovely fruity version with nice and creamy filling. If you don’t get plums (it happened I found some frozen ones in my freezer) you can use any fruit in season: apples, pears, peaches would do. Easy and fast to make. You can experiment and add some almonds, nuts or spices. Cinnamon goes just perfect with plums!

You need:

ready-made shortcrust or French pastry (just to make it fast, or make your own)

1 kg of plums, cut in half and nuts removed

sugar powder for decoration

Filling ingredients:

330g of sour cream (18%)

100g sugar

2 eggs

1 spoon for wheat flour

1 small spoon of cinnamon



1. Take a tart badge of 28 cm diameter. Fill in with dough, load with porcelain balls for baking if you have any (I don’t and never use them) and bake for around 10-15 minutes in the oven preheated to 190C.

2. Take the dough out. Sprinkle some breadcrumbs and put the half of plums in a nice order (it will look nice after baking).

3. Mix all the ingredients for the filling and spill over the fruits.

4. If you have some dough left, cut it into small stripes and compose the grid on the top.  Bake in the oven for 40 minutes in the 190C so the top gets crispy and golden.

5. Take it out. Sprinkle some sugar powder for decoration and ENJOY!


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